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New Ways To Learn


1. Introduction

Changes in the basic technology of information and technology inevitably affect education. Are they leading to systematic changes in the way learning is done?

2. The emergence of new learning

A series of case studies illustrates the emergence of new ways to learn, in every area from formal schooling to career development.

3. A new learning process

Based on these and other cases, we have identified a new process of learning, which works in a different way from conventional classroom teaching.

4. Lifelong learning

The new process is particularly relevant for lifelong learning, which presents a new set of challenges that can only be addressed in innovative ways.

5. Developing a learning community

The natural home of the new process is a learning community, rather than an institution. Technology enables new kinds of learning community.

6. Conclusions

The evidence suggests a systematic shift in the way learning is done, on a scale comparable to the emergence of mass education in Victorian times.

7. Recommendations for action

Based on this conclusion, we provide a set of recommendations for action.

8. Further reading


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