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ICT for everyone

Special Needs...


UK Links

[mainly UK, but may include some general links]

logo for Computers and Internet for Everyone : a crowd of people, all ages, all races, all abilities

Age Concern [email address]

A1AD (Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency)

British Deaf Association

Computability [email address]

Childcare Links

Children's Health


Centre for Accesible Enviroments

Charities List

Cancerlink [email address]

Disability Net

DARAS Disabilities Access Rights AdviceService [email address]

Disability Now


Hereward College


Multiple Scherosis Society

Net Medicine

National Disability Council


National Council for Educational Technology


Senile Dementia



International Links

Disability Rights Activist

Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia links : comprehensive resources sites, with information sheets for doctors, alternative therapies etc [with thanks to K'tac for assembling and recommending these]

International Diabetes Federation

Internet Resources for Special Children

Marfan Syndrome: comprehensive information, resources and personal experience of Marfan Syndrome. Special thanks to Janis Cortese for an excellent site, with many useful links.

WAPD newsletter: to subscribe


Personal websites:

There are many personal websites we could include, but we'll start with one we recommend, and leave it to you to recommend more :

Ju Gosling's My Not-So-Secret Life as a Cyborg



This list was originally put together for the Computers for Everyone Exhibition during our participation on Cambridge Online City's committee looking at Access issues.